Recently a friend posted something on Facebook about a magic word that was given to her from a friend of hers. My friend has been going through an extremely difficult time, with copious times of little or no hope. She relayed that she had said the magic word in accordance with the way she was instructed and then something amazing happened. Was it a coincidence or something she did?
Then, in one of my comments back on the thread I had asked the friend for a magic word too. He messaged me my magic word and gave me instructions to get a feather. I was supposed to put it between my toes on my left foot and say the word 7 times on the minute for 7 minutes. I read that, and suddenly I found myself stricken with curiosity and childlike wonder. He had given me a mission and if I completed it magic might occur. Now I am 43 years old. Really? I mean I am a pretty realistic person. An adult. If I get an email saying I won something, I never open it. I am not that gullible.
But I almost couldn't help myself. It was ridiculously fun to think about getting a feather. What feather? Where would I find a feather? Would I have to go to a craft store? Is that even magical? A feather from Michaels? I started getting caught up in the details of this task. Where would I do it? What time of day? I thought, " Surely I can't have any disruptions." On the 2nd day of having this assignment, I stared across my bedroom loosely contemplating my assignment. Then, the art right in front of my eyes came into focus. I had a beautiful feather duster that i had gotten from a dear friend's estate when she passed away. Ah I thought, pluck a feather from the feather duster. That seemed sort of meant to be, adding to the magical qualities of this presposterous task.
As I grew closer to actively participating I started to realize that once I was to complete this task the experience would be over. What would be over? Not the task. It was the magic of doing the magic that had me so enthralled. I liked being a magician. I mean when in life would I ever get this chance to pretend and explore again. I am not a kid anymore. But this awakened a wonder that has always been in me. Which in turn gave me hope. Something I was lacking at the time. On Sunday, late in the afternoon, my daughter was watching a show on the iPad. I was planning on waiting until Monday to do this, but I got it in my head that this time could be put to good use. The show would last for about 13 or so minutes more. So I shut the door to my bedroom, plucked a feather, stuck it in between my toes, laid down, looked at my phone for the first minute to pass and SAID THE MAGIC WORD. I felt absolutely absurd. But I continued to watch the clock and then the next minute occurred and I said it again. At this time I started wondering if I was even pronouncing it correctly and should I be saying the word over and over like a mantra? Just after the third minute and word took place my daughter walked into the room. This of course threw me off in so many ways. I mean when would my soon to be 6 year old just get up and leave a show on the iPad? I held the phone in my hand paying attention to the time and didn't say a word to her. She heard me say the magic word the next time and then looked over at me and then proceeded to walk out. Hmm I thought, " could she possibly be drawn to the power of the magic I am creating?" Hahahaha. "What am I even thinking?" About a minute later she walked in again and heard my last two announcements of my magic word. " wow" I thought, in between words. She must know something is happening. Then she had blurted out "the ipad died." I thought, "well that is not a very magical explanation for her presence in this room." She didn't inquire about what I was saying until I had said the last one. Then she asked, "what are you saying mama" "A magic word" I replied.
The next day, nothing extremely amazing happened, although there were some subtle connections I had with a couple of people that made me feel enormously better. What I realized was that I started on a healing path. I had opened up my heart to possibilities and allowed energy to flow and my heart to connect with others through honesty and love not fear! Coincidence? I don't think so. It was the magic of doing magic that had helped me to open up and explore. It made me feel ok about what might be on the other side. THIS IS HOW WE HEAL
I love acupuncture for this very reason. When I treat a person, so much of the healing takes place starting with my intention, the vision I have and the vision the person holds for herself. The experience is a leap of faith to some extent. An allowing of oneself to become transformed from the needles doing their work. Needles are magical utensils. They can break up unwanted fear, move qi (energy) to place where balance occurs, and can open you up to possibilities, love,and hope. Healing can only happen if the heart is open to it and it is an honor to be a part of that process.